
Space Invasion
Pet peeve of the week: I can’t stand when other customers rush me at the check-out counter. Last week I was at CVS, keeping to myself, in sync with the...
Space Invasion
Pet peeve of the week: I can’t stand when other customers rush me at the check-out counter. Last week I was at CVS, keeping to myself, in sync with the...

Damage of the Nameless Foster Dog
I don’t have a good memory. I know this because my sister has a great memory and she will ask me “Remember that night we were down the Cape and...
Damage of the Nameless Foster Dog
I don’t have a good memory. I know this because my sister has a great memory and she will ask me “Remember that night we were down the Cape and...
Last week, I reluctantly agreed to receive the services of a student at the NYU School of Dentistry. The poorer I get, the less respect I have for myself. They...
Last week, I reluctantly agreed to receive the services of a student at the NYU School of Dentistry. The poorer I get, the less respect I have for myself. They...

Pizza Place Volunteer
I read this quote this morning. It’s one of my favorites and rings true: Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do...
Pizza Place Volunteer
I read this quote this morning. It’s one of my favorites and rings true: Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do...

Curse words in moderation allowed
I started this year with a commitment to Debtors Anonymous. I went to one meeting. I’m not allowed to talk about what happened there because those are the rules plus...
Curse words in moderation allowed
I started this year with a commitment to Debtors Anonymous. I went to one meeting. I’m not allowed to talk about what happened there because those are the rules plus...

Hong Kong Shampoo
My family is always trying to start family traditions. “Let’s feed dinner to the homeless for Thanksgiving. It’ll be a tradition” “Let’s have lobster for Christmas. It’ll be a new...
Hong Kong Shampoo
My family is always trying to start family traditions. “Let’s feed dinner to the homeless for Thanksgiving. It’ll be a tradition” “Let’s have lobster for Christmas. It’ll be a new...