
I'm Not Your Aunt
The only time I am around kids is when I visit friends who have kids. There really isn’t any other situation that I am exposed to children. It is impossible...
I'm Not Your Aunt
The only time I am around kids is when I visit friends who have kids. There really isn’t any other situation that I am exposed to children. It is impossible...

Inspirational Obits
My mother loves to terrorize me and my sister by talking about how she wants her funeral to go down. Years ago, when she was living in West Palm Beach,...
Inspirational Obits
My mother loves to terrorize me and my sister by talking about how she wants her funeral to go down. Years ago, when she was living in West Palm Beach,...

Chicken Carcass Collection
I’m definitely an emotional eater. Unfortunately for me I have a lot of undefined emotions. I ate three Rotisserie chickens in the month of July. I can polish one of...
Chicken Carcass Collection
I’m definitely an emotional eater. Unfortunately for me I have a lot of undefined emotions. I ate three Rotisserie chickens in the month of July. I can polish one of...

Everyday Nicety Said Wrong
This morning I had to repeat myself to the Duane Reade cashier and I got mad. Duane Reade cashier: “What was that?” Me: “I said “HOW’S IT GOING?” I loud,...
Everyday Nicety Said Wrong
This morning I had to repeat myself to the Duane Reade cashier and I got mad. Duane Reade cashier: “What was that?” Me: “I said “HOW’S IT GOING?” I loud,...

Hellllooooooo Carol
I come from a family of long fuses. We will withstand a lot of bologna before we blow a gasket but when we do, we’re burned for life. I can...
Hellllooooooo Carol
I come from a family of long fuses. We will withstand a lot of bologna before we blow a gasket but when we do, we’re burned for life. I can...

Spiteful Long Game
I get scratch tickets in my stocking every Christmas. That’s not all I get, mind you, but I do look forward to them. Scratch tickets are a family pastime. When...
Spiteful Long Game
I get scratch tickets in my stocking every Christmas. That’s not all I get, mind you, but I do look forward to them. Scratch tickets are a family pastime. When...